Nina Raguz

In my first year the WE student leaders were a support group for all women in engineering. They made such a positive impact on my first-year experience, and I hope to do the same for others.

Hi, I'm Nina!

I'm in my Third Year of a Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) in Mechanical and Aerospace. I caught up with the Women in Engineering team to chat all things engineering and offer my advice to new engineering students.


What or who inspired you to choose engineering?   

The flexibility of the engineering career is what really attracted me to studying engineering. The degree enables a multitude of opportunities in terms of many different aspects in life. Travelling the world and making a positive impact every place I go is one of the many things an engineering degree offers. I always enjoyed solving complex problems and engineering allows for this in small and large scales.   


Why did you choose the discipline you are studying?   

When I first started engineering I had no idea what discipline I wanted to study. However, through my summer internship I witnessed that mechanical engineers are involved in a range of processes including the development of materials, designing and analysing systems and managing manufacturing processes. This proved that this career is involved in every stage of development. Mechanical engineering also had a wide range of majors that I would love to study further. 


What is one thing about university or engineering that you wished you knew earlier?  

Engineering is not all about having skills in maths and science…although they help! Working in the engineering industry I have the discovered the importance of being able to work in a team. Having communication skills and the ability to follow instructions will go a long way. 


What made you pick engineering at the University of Queensland over other universities?   

My three older siblings all went to the University of Queensland and could not speak more highly of the university’s education and community. I had seen the university before, and the facilities were far beyond what I had seen at other universities.  


Give us your best tip for first-year engineering students?  

Use the opportunities that the university are providing. There are so many clubs and societies to be involved in and it is an amazing way to meet new people. In terms of academics, I feel that time management is key. If you are coming straight from high school, it is a massive adjustment, so be sure to always communicate with your tutors and peers if you are having any trouble. 


Tell us your favourite example of amazing engineering?  

More recently, NASA’s Perseverance Rover landed on Mars, equipped with advanced engineering technologies to search for signs of past or present life. These advancements to space is really something I love about engineering. 


What's your dream engineering job when you graduate?  

As I am only in my second year, I am still unsure on what path I would like to take with engineering.  However, I will continue to trial different areas to see which one I am most passionate about. My dream job would be one that gives me the opportunity to travel, allows me to be challenged and helps me to make a difference to society.   


What do you hope to achieve as a WE student leader?  

In my first year the WE student leaders were a support group for all women in engineering. They made such a positive impact on my first-year experience, and I hope to do the same for others.  I want to promote the limitless career of engineering and allow for a more diverse industry.  

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Nina Raguz