Lucia Rega

I want young women who are interested in engineering to know that there is a community out there for them, women who challenge the stereotypical image of an ‘engineer’ and have exciting and fulfilling careers.

Hi, I'm Lucia!

I'm in my Fourth Year of a Dual Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) / Bachelor of Mathematics. I caught up with the Women in Engineering team to chat all things engineering and offer my advice to new engineering students.


What or who inspired you to choose engineering?  

I always loved maths and science throughout my schooling and knew that I wanted a career that was not only stimulating, but also impactful and fulfilling. After being exposed to different career events including visiting the WE team at the UQ campus, I realised that engineering ticked all of these boxes.


Why did you choose the discipline you are studying?  

What I love about mechatronic engineering is how it is multidisciplinary. There are countless industries and job outcomes for mechatronic engineers, allowing me to have a diverse and global career. Additionally, I am particularly interested in sustainability and believe that this is an area that I can greatly contribute to with a mechatronic engineering degree, whether that be clean energy, battery technology or automation of new and existing processes. 


What is one thing about university or engineering that you wished you knew earlier?  

It is ok to be unsure about which specialisation you want to pursue when you start your degree. You have all of your first year to try different subjects and attend information sessions to help you decide.


What made you pick engineering at the University of Queensland over other universities?  

I chose to study engineering at the University of Queensland because of its reputation of providing a globally recognised education. Also because of the countless opportunities for internships, global experiences, and extracurricular activities (not to mention the beautiful campus).


Give us your best tip for first-year engineering students?  

Get involved as much as possible. Attend your lectures, sit next to someone new in your classes, join a club. Engineering is not a short degree. Having a community to go through it with makes all the difference.


Tell us your favourite example of amazing engineering?  

Electronics and the internet have had a revolutionary impact on how society functions. This technology plays an important role in the solution of many problems, whether that be access to information, instant communication or making business more efficient.


What’s your dream engineering job when you graduate?  

I am not yet sure what my dream job will look like. What I do know is that I want to use my engineering degree to make resources more accessible and sustainable.


What do you hope to achieve as a WE student leader?  

My goal as a WE Student Leader is to inspire future cohorts of female engineers. I want young women who are interested in engineering to know that there is a community out there for them, women who challenge the stereotypical image of an ‘engineer’ and have exciting and fulfilling careers.


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Lucia Rega