Industry partnerships

Build your pipeline of talent and promote your organisation as employers of choice to UQ students through an employability partnership

Our overall goal is to create meaningful connections that benefit both our talented students and industry so when they start with you, they are prepared from day one for a lifetime of success.

Why partner with the EAIT Employability team?

UQ is committed to developing exceptional graduates, those with experience with real industry knowledge and those pre­pared for the jobs of the future.

We support students to understand their career identity, direction, strengths and where their personal and professional values are positioned. We empower students to develop the mindset and capabilities needed in addition to their degree specific knowledge to navigate a successful life-long career.

We encourage students to engage in activities that contribute to their employability development from their first year of tertiary education, so by final year, they feel empowered to use and articulate their capabilities to perform effectively in the work place.

We support industry to build their pipeline of future talent and position themselves as employers of choice by offering opportunities to engage with our students through a variety of channels including work integrated learning, placements and events.


Engage with us

Help students gain real industry knowledge and prepare for the jobs of the future while building your pipeline of talent. Engage with our students through site tours, on-campus events and recruitment opportunities.

Offer a student a professional practice opportunity, internship, or work-integrated learning placement and build a pipeline of qualified future talent.
Career growth and development are key to students' success once they graduate. Be part of a student’s journey and mentor them to success!
There are many ways employers can engage with our students, from site tours to on-campus events and recruitment opportunities. We can advise on the best timeframes to maximise your attendees.
With a dedicated event specialist within our team, we can help you run student focussed events on campus to engage with our talented students.
Face-to-face on campus or online, we will organise short appointments for students interested in your organisation.
Make the most of your recruitment process by advertising your own graduate and intern vacancies to our talented students.
Kickstart your Career Industry Mixer
Save the date for Thursday 4 April, 2024 and join current students from engineering, architecture, design, planning and computing for a night of networking.