As the rise of artificial intelligence (AI) in the digital workplace rapidly develops, The University of Queensland will soon offer a new short course led by internationally renowned expert Jeremy Howard.
Professor Howard is the co-founder of fast.ai, a research institute dedicated to making deep learning more accessible, and has been appointed as an Honorary Professor at the School of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering (ITEE).
He is also a Distinguished Research Scientist at the University of San Francisco, the chair of WAMRI, and Chief Scientist at platform.ai.
As part of Prof Howard’s new role, fast.ai's 7-week short course program, Practical Deep Learning for Coders, will be offered at UQ beginning in April 2022.
“Having had the opportunity to train thousands of people worldwide, I’m excited to be coming to Queensland to work with businesses and start-ups to develop AI talent.”
“Following my appointment at UQ, I expect this to be the first of many high-impact AI research and education collaborations between fast.ai and UQ."
Professor Michael Brünig, head of the School of ITEE, said he was delighted to welcome Jeremy on board as an Honorary Professor.
“As we kick things off in 2022, we look forward to hosting him and his fast.ai course in April. We believe that the course will be as popular here in Australia as it has been received elsewhere in the past,” he said.
“This is an exciting development for us and signals our absolute commitment to recognising the importance of AI in higher education.”
The appointment follows the establishment of the UQ AI Collaboratory in 2021, which was formed in recognition of the long-term implications and exciting opportunities of AI.
UQ has invested strongly in building capability in AI research and its applications, with the Collaboratory bringing together experts from technology, mathematics, physics, business, law, social and political sciences to address these global challenges.
Expressions of interest for the 7-week short course program in collaboration with fast.ai are now open.