
Engineering (Honours) (Mechanical) /
Business (Leadership and Management Science)

Degree:  Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Mechanical) and Business Management 
(Leadership and Management Science

Who or what made you choose to study this?

I chose to study engineering due to my love for math and science in high school. Furthermore, I’ve always had a passion for the application and development of sustainable energy and emerging technologies to minimise environmental degradation. Also, I chose to study business through my fondness for learning how businesses operate and management science.

What’s been your favourite course so far and why?

One of my favourite courses has been ENGG1100 (Professional Practice) which is a team-based engineering project which encompasses various types of engineering skills. This capstone course which, I am now lucky enough to tutor, taught me the importance of teamwork and time management.

What do you hope to do when you graduate?

I hope to be working within the sustainability sector and working in a team environment. You never know what opportunity is waiting for you, so I hope to continue grabbing all the opportunities I can to set me up for the future.