
Engineering (Honours)
(Chemical and Bioprocess)

Degree: Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Chemical and Bioprocess)

What do you love most about your degree?

I love how broad chemical engineering is, and how I can study topics of interest by choosing from a wide range of electives offered in my specialisation.
My favourite course is CHEE2001 (Process Principles) because it taught me about the principles of process engineering in a simple and understandable way. The group work I had to do within the course also went very smoothly, so I was able to learn valuable skills in having good teamwork.

Tell us about any extracurricular activities you’ve been involved in.

I recently participated in the New Colombo Plan trip to Indonesia for chemical engineering students. The study tour consisted of visits to industry sites, communicating with Indonesian students and immersing myself in the culture. The whole trip was amazing, but my fellow colleagues made the experience unforgettable. I met and connected with many new people and learned invaluable lessons about teamwork and communication. I am a part of CHESS (Chemical Engineering Society), UQSRC (Social Running Club), UQKISS (Korean Club) and UQEWB (Engineers Without Borders). I also participate in social sports playing netball for the CHESS society.