
Engineering (Honours)
(Electrical and Biomedical)

Degree: Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Electrical and Biomedical)

Who or what made you choose to study this?

With my mum being an electrical engineer and dad a doctor, they both inspired me to work in fields similar to their own. I thought I could make the greatest difference in this field.

What do you love most and what has been your favourite course?

The problem-solving and coding courses are great. ENGG1300 (Introduction to Electrical Systems) has a good balance between maths and real-world applications.

Tell us about any clubs and societies that you are a member of

I am an Appropriate Technologies Sub-Exec for the Engineers Without Borders UQ chapter and I am also a Media Exec for the UQ Biomedical Engineering Society. I also play social tennis and basketball through UQIC (UQ Interfaculty Competitions Inc.).