
Computer Science (Data Science) /
Master of Data Science

Degree: Bachelor of Computer Science (Data Science) / Master of Data Science

Who or what made you choose to study this? 

I had an interest towards studying statistics and IT. What do you love most about your degree? Being able to do two of my favourite subjects and to do a Bachelor’s and a Master’s program in just 4 years. Data Science is one of the most up and coming fields in the present job market. Hence, the demand for Data related jobs are very high.

If you could give one piece of advice to someone considering studying at UQ, what would that be?

Do some research about your degree options such as semester exchanges, partnerships, internships etc and be ready to participate in them once you are enrolled in UQ. Furthermore, while doing your studies, it would be better for you to join a club or two so you could build a university-wide network which would be very helpful in various instances.