
Engineering (Honours)
Master of Engineering

Design: Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Mechatronics) / Master of Engineering

Why did you choose to study at UQ?

When I was a child, I had come to Brisbane on vacation. I was taken back by the beautiful scenery and nice people that I encountered, and due to that, I made it my goal to study over here. UQ was an obvious candidate for this dream, due to their worldwide recognition and prestigious history. Upon further research, I noticed their engineering program is continuously being improved upon, that way I was reassured that I had made the right choice to study at UQ.

What do you love most about your degree?

The wide variety of concepts that is covered in the engineering degree whether it be programming, electrical or mechanical work. It is quite challenging yet very stimulating and rewarding to learn in the long run. In addition to this, there are many practical opportunities for me to utilise what I’ve learnt in real-world scenarios.

If you could give one piece of advice to someone considering studying at UQ, what would that be?

Get involved at campus. UQ has a ton of clubs and extracurricular activities to take part in. You can always find something that suits your interests and meet interesting people. Most of the time you can meet people who study in the same program as you, that way you can get advice and tips on how to tackle the challenges at university. In addition to this, there are many networking events hosted by the faculty, these allow you to make connections with industry professionals and build a good rapport with future employers.