
Engineering (Honours)

Degree: Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Civil)

Who or what made you choose to study this?

I have always held a keen interest in buildings, particularly from an architectural standpoint. During high school, this manifested in a love for design and physics. This led me to initially pursue a double degree in Engineering and Design. However, as I delved deeper into my studies, I realised that engineering was my true passion, prompting my decision to discontinue design and focus solely on engineering. 

What’s been your favourite course so far and why?

My favourite course undoubtedly remains ENG1100, primarily due to the gratifying experience of collaboratively designing and constructing a model firetruck with my team. This initial course not only offered hands-on engagement but also fostered teamwork, making it a memorable and impactful learning experience.

If you could give one piece of advice to someone considering studying at UQ, what would that be?

I'd recommend diving into extracurricular activities beyond the formal university curriculum. UQ has a lot of optional extracurricular activities, especially in the form of societies. In my view, this is a fantastic avenue for forging enduring friendships and kickstarting the development of essential skills that will prove invaluable post-graduation.