
Engineering (Honours)
(Chemical / Metallurgical)
Master of Engineering

Degree: Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) / Master of Engineering (Chemical and Metallurgical)

Who or what made you choose to study this?

I enjoyed chemistry, physics and maths in high school, so I always thought that some kind of engineering would be my career choice. After taking advantage of UQ’s flexible first-year engineering study plan, I discovered how interesting chemical engineering and specifically metallurgy were to me, due to it being a marriage of all the things I found interesting being applied on huge billion-dollar mining projects. I hope to use what I learn here at UQ to build a career designing the next generation of mineral processing sites in a new sustainable era of the mining sector.

What do you love most about your degree?

Having access to research positions at one of the oldest metallurgical research institutions in the world, and having researchers from there as lecturers in my courses. Being able to talk casually with someone who has been an expert in metallurgy and the mining sector longer than I have been alive, and having access to researchers who are actively working on making the world a better place, is an amazing position to be in that I am grateful for every day.

If you could give one piece of advice to someone considering studying at UQ, what would that be?

If you’re unsure, just ask! Everyone from the student representatives and ambassadors to the senior lecturers is friendly, approachable, and passionate about what they do. Even if it’s scary seeing them in person, you can always send an email too by finding their email address online. What better people to ask about UQ than the people there?