
Engineering (Honours)
Computer Science

Degree: Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) / Bachelor of Computer Science 

What do you love most about your degree?

The high degree of access to tools and machines that I would normally never be able to access has been the most exciting for me. The ability to make anything that I want to make, along with the increased range of skills I get from courses, keeps me inspired and ambitious.

What’s been your favourite course so far and why?

ENGG1100 has been my favourite course so far, simply because it combines the 2 things I really like – robotics and working with other people.

Have you participated in any internships/work? If so tell us a bit about it, what did you enjoy most about the experience?

I have had the position of a robotics coach for the FIRST Tech Challenge at my old high school. Having been a part of the program myself for 4 years I really wanted to help students keep interest in the program and have fun with it.