Enterprise Skills Program

Understand the importance of each enterprise skill that is required for the modern workplace and learn strategies on how you can develop them.

Available to all EAIT students, the Enterprise Skills Program is a series of four workshops focused on ensuring EAIT students understand and develop the enterprise skills required for a successful career in the agile and technology-driven workplace.


The interactive and activity-based workshops are divided into the four ‘must have’ enterprise skills:

  • Communication
  • Teamwork
  • Leadership
  • Resilience

During the above four workshops, you will understand the importance of each enterprise skill that is required for the modern workplace and learn strategies on how you can develop them.

What are enterprise skills?

Studying a degree or qualification acquires your hard skills – the specific technical skills and abilities for a job role. Employers are looking for more than this.

Enterprise skills also known as soft skills or employability skills are a person’s behaviours and attitudes, which include how you relate to and interact with other people. Enterprise skills make you career-ready.

Why are enterprise skills important?

As the rapid acceleration of emerging technologies continues to shape the world in which we work, the importance of enterprise skills will grow.

Your technical skills look impressive on your resume, however enterprise skills are what will set you apart from other candidates who have similar expertise. Employers put a lot of focus on enterprise skills, and as a graduate looking for a job after university, these skills can help you stand out.

Enterprise skills are transferrable from job to job and within different industries. These skills are vital to develop throughout your career, so it’s important to start acquiring them as soon as possible.

A strong set of enterprise skills complementing your technical skills will allow you to future-proof your career and equip you for the future world of work.

What's involved: